#6 Ways to Live a Simple Life
Modern life is likely to get in the way when you have had enough and decide to join the growing ranks of people aiming for a simpler life. Here are some practical ways you can grab onto the simple life in a modern world:

Remember that living a simple life is your choice. You do not have to live a complicated, stressful life just because your friends and family do. It is possible to choose a different path that aligns with your values.
Opt for a basic cell phone. Consider how many interruptions you have from notifications on your smartphone. They are distracting and force you to be continually distracted. Look for a cell phone with which you can only make and receive calls. The price will be much cheaper, and your stress levels will decrease.

Remove social media from your phone. Even if you keep a smartphone, remove all social media apps. Sounds drastic, doesn’t it? Scrolling through social media eats much of the time you could spend with family. Learn to only look at social media on your laptop at certain times of day and reclaim some time.
Pay off your credit cards. Debt leaves you a slave to the credit card company. They become a burden when you don’t pay them off each month. Use them only to buy what you can afford to pay off when the bill comes in, not to overspend.

Drop cable service. Many spend over $100 a month on hundreds of channels they never watch. Why do this when over-the-air stations are free and streaming services are incredibly cheap? You can use your savings to pay off your credit cards.
Live a simple life on your terms, not based on what the modern world thinks. Learn to live with some cutback, and you will be on your way to a life of serenity.